Improvements to our App: watch videos, switch company, and SSO login

final video mobile pic

Valérie Downey

Candidates are applying to jobs all the more through their mobile devices. We also want to make it easier for recruiters to view and manage these applications via mobile on the other end of the line!
Now, when candidates apply for jobs, you can watch candidate-submitted videos and open attached documents in an improved view, directly in our mobile app. 
This comes especially in handy when you’re on your way to meet a candidate and need a quick refresher on their application or video answer to a specific question. The more informed you are, the better the candidate experience 🌟
Simply tap “view video” to watch the video the candidate has uploaded:
This is what it looks like when you’re watching the video: 
We’ve also added other new features to our mobile app 💫 Many of our users are part of hiring processes for more than one company. Now, you can easily switch between what company account you’re logged into on your mobile. Simply click on “Switch company" under the Settings wheel:
Staying on top of applications as they come in makes communication between candidate and company seamless and efficient. It keeps candidates interested and engaged, and helps you fill positions faster. Yes, we want to make it as easy as possible to stay on your A-game 🏆
Last but not least, it’s now possible to login to our app with SSO! This means that those of you who have used SSO to login to Teamtailor’s desktop version will now be able to do the same on your mobile 😊Simply click on “Login using SSO" when you open the app:
IMG_241A45943ACB-1_iphonexspacegrey_portraitAs always, we’re open to all questions or feedback you may have. Don't have our app? Download it here, available on Google Play and iOS! Talk soon 👋

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